Saturday, February 25, 2023

Finally have some concepts!!

    Well, well, well, hello there again blog! I have good news today. I was finally able to come up with some concept ideas for the opening. Not going to lie though, this week was extremely difficult for me to come up with ideas since it was so crazy. Two lockdowns in a week, really? how pathetic. However, I'm not here to talk about my week so without further ado, let's talk plans. First of all, I am fully certain that I want to make a thriller because I think it is the best way to make an impact to my audience in 2 minutes if I do it right. The first concept that came to my mind was actually to make an opening of an individual stranded in an island but in a more mysterious kind of way. Like having the person stressed and trying to find out where they are or how they got there to later cut to them looking at an unknown thing behind the camera and ending right there. I thought about it but then I was like, will I be able to pull off something that I can't really relate to? (I have never been stranded on an island) How can I convey a point if I myself don't understand the situation itself. After much thinking, I narrowed that concept to something that I can manage to do around my community very easily. I am certain we have all at some point experienced anxiety in our lives, so what if I play with that topic (relatable to the audience) and make it into a thrilling and gripping opening that can get people hooked immediately and make them want to keep watching. Obviously the idea still needs a little organization and cleaning up but everything great comes from simple ideas and lots of patience. Anyway that is it for now, I will try to come up with a solid story I can tell through the lens of anxiety and if I can't really think of anything I will focus on something else. 

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    Honestly just give me my Oscar already. I deserve it. Just kidding blog! I want to thank you for allowing me to express my feelings sinc...