Saturday, February 11, 2023

First Portfolio Project Blog :)

    Hi blog!! Right now I feel very excited because we now begin the phase of our portafolio project for the Cambridge exam this year. As excited as I may feel though, part of me doesn't really know where to begin.  First of all, I don't really know if I am going to be working in a group or not. Every other project I have done in my group with Luisa, Lauren, and Estefania before have been very successful overall. However, this is a big, big project that I really want to and need to do well on meaning I am considering working on my own. I say this because I don't necessarily want to depend on someone to do their work all the time. Also, I don't know what their schedules look like so that could be a big problem when organizing times to meet up and film or even work together at someone's house, and another big issue, four people is kind of like a lot of people. 

   I talked with the girls last class and they also seemed unsure as to what we should do, so I told them to brainstorm ideas that we could do as a group but also individual ideas that we obviously don't need to share to see what we could come up with and if we liked the group ones better then we're set, if not we'll just work alone. We also said that if we ultimately decide to not work together, we would collaborate with one another as much as possible like being in their videos if necessary, etc. That was actually very nice!

   Anyway, for now I just plan on brainstorming as much as possible for concepts. I will try to find inspiration from some amazing works I had the pleasure to read last year in my AP Spanish Literature class and also from more film openings like the Midsommar opening which is crazy or The Lion King opening (clearly the animated version from 1994 because the other one is horrible) 

   Thanks for reading the first blog! we're in for a long journey now. 

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    Honestly just give me my Oscar already. I deserve it. Just kidding blog! I want to thank you for allowing me to express my feelings sinc...